Privacy policy for applicants

In this privacy policy, you will find information on the processing of specific personal data resulting from the application or participation in the talent pool. This data is processed, among other things, for the purpose of creating a profile in the applicant management system and/or talent pool, storing your applicant data, and/or processing your application for a specific job posting within the IONOS Group ("we").

The IONOS Group uses a joint applicant management system for group-wide recruitment. In this context, IONOS SE acts as the technical operator and central point of contact for data protection related questions. The subsidiaries of the IONOS Group act as joint controllers within the meaning of Art. 26 of the GDPR. The following information pertains to the use within IONOS SE, as well as the following subsidiaries of the IONOS Group (hereinafter referred to as "Controller" within the meaning of the GDPR):

IONOS Service GmbH
IONOS Cloud S.L.U.
IONOS Holding SE
IONOS Cloud Ltd.
IONOS Datacenter SAS
IONOS Philippines Inc
1&1 IONOS Cloud GmbH
1&1 Internet Dev. SRL
1&1 Internet Sp.zo.o
InterNetX GmbH
Arsys Internet S.L.U.
Fasthosts Internet Ltd
Sedo GmbH
Sedo Köln LLC
STRATO Customer Service GmbH
Cronon GmbH
united domains AG
united-domains Reselling GmbH
united domains Inc.
WE22 Solutions GmbH
WE22 GmbH
CM4all GmbH
World4you Internet Services GmbH


Table of contents:

Part A - Data processing applicant management system

Part B - Data processing Talent Pool

Part C - Other processing operations

Part D - Your rights and information on the data protection officer

Part E - Terms of us

Part A - Data processing applicant management system


I. Your personal data and your processing purposes

1. General information

For the administration and execution of the selection process, we use Greenhouse Software Inc., an applicant tracking system. As part of the application, personal data such as your name, address, and other personal information, as well as data regarding your educational and professional background is collected. You provide this data either by filling out our online form, or you may use your personal data stored with third parties (e.g., LinkedIn, XING), or it may be data that we receive from you or authorized third parties (e.g., approved recruitment agencies authorized to transmit relevant personal data to us).

If we ask for your gender in the form of the desired salutation as part of the application process, it is solely because we want to address or speak to you in the appropriate manner. Providing your age or entering your date of birth is necessary because for some of our activities, a minimum age is legally required.

Your personal data will be transferred to Greenhouse Software, Inc., a cloud service provider based in the United States of America, who is engaged by the data controller to manage its recruitment and hiring processes on behalf of the data controller. If you are located outside the United States, your personal data will be transferred to the United States when you submit it through this website. The transfer is subject to appropriate additional safety measures in accordance with the standard contractual clauses of the European Commission. You can obtain a copy of the standard contractual clauses by contacting us at

The data controller will retain your personal data for as long as necessary for the evaluation of your application in the hiring process for a position. Under the GDPR, you have the right to request access to your personal data, to request the correction or deletion of your personal data, to request restrictions on and withdrawal of the processing of your personal data. You also have the right to data portability. Additionally, you have the option to lodge a complaint with an EU supervisory authority.


2. Fulfillment of a contract or implementation of pre-contractual measures

We collect personal data (especially first name, last name, address, email, position applied for, details from the application) from you, which are necessary for the application process. For a comprehensive assessment of your application, it is necessary that you also provide us with information about your previous professional background (e.g., resume, qualifications, degrees).

In addition to the personal data provided by you for the application process, further data will be collected during the ongoing application process and processed for the purpose of selection and execution of the procedure. This includes in particular the following categories of data:

  •   - Correspondence, including email correspondence during the course of the application process

  - Information regarding dates of job interviews and details from job interviews
  - assessments of the suitability of the applicants


The data processing is based on Art. 6 para. 1 lit. b) GDPR. We need your personal data to process your application. Therefore, the data processing serves the purpose of initiating an employment relationship.

For the processing of your application, we limit ourselves to the information provided directly by you. This may also include information you have provided on professional online networks or job boards, if you have been asked to include such information in the application.

Additionally, we would like to inform you that you are not obligated to provide us with your personal data. However, in this case, the application process cannot be carried out.


3. Active Sourcing

a) Approach on online career networks

For the purpose of recruiting, we also actively search for interesting profiles on online career networks (such as LinkedIn/XING/CV Library) or other job portals on the internet (so-called active sourcing). In the course of this active search for candidates, we only process data that is publicly available and made evident by these individuals themselves (e.g., name data, profile data, possibly contact details).

The data processing is carried out on the basis of Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f) in conjunction with Art. 9 para. 2 lit. e) GDPR. We have a legitimate interest in processing the data for the purpose of recruiting.

b) Transfer to the applicant management system

If the outreach is successful and you decide to apply for a job posting, our recruiters will offer you the option to send your application documents via email. If you agree to this and send your application documents, your personal data will be collected in our applicant management system, Greenhouse Software Inc. Our primary goal in this process is to facilitate your application.

The data processing is based on Art. 6 para. 1 lit. b) GDPR. We need your personal data to process your application.


4. Application profile


With your application, an internal application profile is created in Greenhouse. The application profile collects the data you entered during the application. You can request at any time via email to inquire about the data stored about you (e.g., resume) or request deletion.

a) Online application

In the online application, you can independently enter or upload the following data into the form:

  •   - Personal information (e.g. first name, last name, email, phone number, place of residence)
      - Application documents (e.g. resume, cover letter)
      - Other application information (e.g. salary expectation, start date, notice period, willingness to relocate, work permit, languages)

The mandatory fields in the online application are marked with an asterisk in the application portal. 

b) Other forms of application (e.g. e-mail, post)

For any other form of application, we capture the relevant information from the application and scan the application documents. 

For paper-based applications, once the information has been entered into our system, your application will be disposed of.

The creation of an application profile serves the purpose of conducting the respective application process. The data processing is based on Art. 6 para. 1 lit. b) GDPR.


5. Forwarding of application data within the IONOS Group

We also offer you the option to select that your application should not only be considered for the specific job posting, but may also be forwarded to other internal hiring teams for consideration if a similar open position arises, provided that you have given your consent to this.

If you agree to the use of your application documents for other job postings, the personal data contained in your application will be processed by IONOS SE ("Data Controller") and its affiliated companies for the purpose of managing the Data Controller's recruitment-related activities, including the analysis of suitability for other open positions of the Data Controller, organizing and conducting interviews and tests for these positions, evaluating and assessing the results, and as otherwise required in the recruitment and hiring process. Processing is based on Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a GDPR based on your consent, which you grant by checking the box.

Your personal data will be transferred to Greenhouse Software, Inc., a cloud service provider based in the United States of America, which is engaged by the Data Controller to manage its recruitment and hiring process on behalf of the Data Controller. If you are located outside the United States, your personal data will be transferred to the United States once you submit it through this website. The transfer is subject to appropriate additional safety measures in accordance with the standard contractual clauses of the European Commission. You can obtain a copy of the standard contractual clauses by contacting us at

The Data Controller will retain your personal data for as long as the Data Controller deems it necessary for the evaluation of your application for a position. Under the GDPR, you have the right to request access to your personal data, to request the correction or deletion of your personal data, to request restrictions on and withdrawal of the processing of your personal data. You also have the right to data portability. Additionally, you have the option to lodge a complaint with an EU supervisory authority.

You can send your statement of withdrawal by email or post to the addresses below:

Keyword: Data Protection
Recruiting Team IONOS

Hinterm Hauptbahnhof 3-5
D-76137 Karlsruhe

As a precautionary measure, we inform you that revoking your consent for the forwarding of your application will result in no further consideration of your application for other positions.


II. Deleting your personal data - data storage

You can submit a request at any time for the deletion, access, or modification of your data and any attachments (such as your resume). If you withdraw your application, your data and any attached documents will be promptly deleted, returned, or destroyed. After the conclusion of the selection process, your data and any attachments can be retained for up to six months. If you agree to the retention of your application data and attached documents for future positions that match your applicant profile, they may be retained for a longer period. We will promptly delete, destroy, or return your data if you request us to do so.

In case of submitting an initiative application, the retention period will depend on whether there will be suitable positions to be filled in the foreseeable future. If not, your data and any attached documents will be deleted, destroyed, or returned to you.

If you have not consented to extended data storage as part of the talent pool, your data will be deleted by us after six months if no employment relationship materializes, unless there is no longer any other legal basis. In the latter case, we will delete the data upon the expiration of the other legal basis.  


Part B - Data processing Talent Pool

I. Your personal data and processing purposes

1. General information

You have the option to sign up for the Talent Pool provided by Greenhouse Software Inc. to be considered by IONOS SE and its affiliated companies for other positions that match your applicant profile, during which personal data will be collected from you. The personal data is either provided personally by you via an online form or is taken from your application documents (provided we have obtained your consent for this).

Upon registration, you can independently enter or upload the following data into the online form:

  - Personal information (e.g., salutation, first name, last name, email, phone number, date of birth, nationality)
  - Qualifications (e.g., education, possibly professional experience, language skills, IT skills), resume

If you decide to join the Greenhouse Talent Pool within the storage period of the application process, the following data will be taken from your application documents:

  - Application documents (e.g., resume, cover letter)
  - Contact details
  - Information about your previous professional experience

Additionally, information about the position you applied for, the channel through which you became aware of the position, whether you are a former employee, and your salary expectations will be retained. We will only process further data if you provide it to us.

If you choose to participate in the Greenhouse Talent Pool, we will actively review whether, based on the information you have provided (especially contact details, education, professional experience, areas of interest), you are a suitable candidate for an open position at the participating affiliated companies. If this is the case, we will inform you via email (and possibly through other contact methods chosen by you) when we have interesting job offers for you.


2. Consent and its revocation option

The data processing for the purposes mentioned above (a), b), and point 1) only takes place if we have obtained your consent under Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a) GDPR for the respective purpose. You can revoke your consent at any time and without giving a reason. You can send your statement of withdrawal by email or post to the addresses below:

Recruiting Team IONOS
Keyword: Data Protection
Recruiting Team IONOS
Hinterm Hauptbahnhof 3-5
D-76137 Karlsruhe

Your consent is voluntary. It has no impact on your chances in an ongoing application process. You can refuse to give consent without providing a reason, without having to fear any disadvantages. However, if you do not grant us your consent, you unfortunately cannot become a part of the Talent Pool or benefit from certain advantages.


II. Deleting your personal data - data storage

If you would like to be considered for similar job opportunities in the future, you can join the Greenhouse Talent Pool. Therefore, we kindly ask for your consent to store your data for a limited period of six months. After this period, we will delete your data. 

Additionally, you can request the processing or deletion of your data and any attachments (such as your resume) at any time.


III. Access options within the IONOS Group

The Talent Pool is a joint offering of the following affiliated companies within the IONOS Group:

  • IONOS Service GmbH
  • IONOS Cloud S.L.U.
  • IONOS Holding SE
  • IONOS Group SE
  • IONOS Cloud Ltd.
  • IONOS S.A.R.L.
  • IONOS Datacenter SAS
  • IONOS Philippines Inc
  • IONOS Inc.
  • 1&1 IONOS Cloud GmbH
  • 1&1 Internet Dev. SRL
  • 1&1 Internet Sp.zo.o
  • InterNetX GmbH
  • Arsys Internet S.L.U.
  • Fasthosts Internet Ltd
  • Sedo GmbH
  • Sedo Köln
  • LLC
  • STRATO Customer Service GmbH
  • Cronon GmbH

united domains AG
united-domains Reselling GmbH
united domains Inc.
WE22 Solutions GmbH
WE22 GmbH
CM4all GmbH
World4you Internet Services GmbH


The participating affiliated companies have jointly decided to introduce the Talent Pool and jointly determine the purposes and means of processing. As a result, they are joint controllers and have entered into a corresponding agreement. The participating affiliated companies have designated the data protection officer mentioned in Section D as the point of contact for data subjects. However, you can assert your rights as a data subject under the GDPR with and against each of the controllers, regardless of this arrangement.


Part C - Other processing operations

I. Visit to the career portal

In connection with the online presence of the IONOS Group, specifically the career portal, data processing occurs. When accessing the career portal website, usage data is processed. This involves the automatic transmission of data from the web visitors' browsers to the website's server, including so-called log data. Additionally, data is processed that is technically necessary to display the website and ensure its stability and security, notably the IP address, date, and time of access.

The legal basis for this data processing is our legitimate interest under Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f) GDPR in a stable and functional website presence.


II. Cookies

In addition, when you use the website, cookies are stored on your computer. Cookies are small text files that are associated with and stored by your browser on your hard drive through a distinctive character string, providing specific information to the entity that sets the cookie (in this case, us). We exclusively use cookies that are essential for basic functions and for ensuring the security of the website (so-called essential cookies). 

The data processing is based on Article 6 para. 1 lit. b) and f) of the GDPR, as it is necessary to implement the functions you have chosen and to maintain our legitimate interest in the functionality of the online offering.

Regarding the deletion periods for cookies, a distinction is made between session cookies and permanent cookies. Session cookies are deleted when you close your browser. In contrast, permanent cookies are deleted automatically after one hour. You also have the option to delete cookies at any time in the security settings of your browser.

Should we also use cookies to analyze the use of the online offering and to align it with your interests, and potentially to provide you with interest-based content and ads, this is done exclusively based on your voluntary consent under Article 6 para. 1 lit. a) of the GDPR. You then have the opportunity to make your corresponding settings in the consent management within the framework of the online offering. You can revoke a consent given in this regard at any time with future effect. Further information on cookies and their specific functions, as well as on setup and revocation options, are available directly in the relevant areas of the consent management. Please note that we generally only provide consent management within the framework of the online offering if consent-based cookies are to be used beyond the technically essential cookies mentioned above.


III. International data transfer

Greenhouse Software Inc. is based in the USA. Therefore, we cannot exclude the possibility of data being transferred to the USA. We have concluded the Standard Contractual Clauses of the European Commission with Greenhouse Software Inc., which serve as the legal basis for the transfer of personal data from the EU to third countries.  

As part of the application process, your personal data may be transmitted to our affiliated companies pursuant to § 15 AktG, which are located in third countries, e.g., the USA or the United Kingdom, if this is necessary for the conduct of the application. We have concluded appropriate standard contractual clauses with our affiliated companies as provided by the European Commission.

IV. Sanctions List Review

As part of the hiring process, we process your personal data for the purpose of checking against public sanctions lists. The legal bases for this are Art. 6 (1) lit. b, Art. 6 (1) lit. c, and Art. 6 (1) lit. f of the GDPR. We are entitled and obliged to check the personal data of applicants (e.g. Surname, Last name, Address, City, Country) in the so-called offer stage against sanctions lists. Candidates in the offer stage are those who are in the immediate selection for a position but have not yet signed an employment contract.

We use your personal data only to the extent necessary for the comparison.

For this purpose, we employ an external provider: BEX Components AG.
You can find the data protection information here:


Part D - Your rights and information on the data protection officer

You have the following rights regarding your personal data:

Right of access by the data subject according to Art. 15 GDPR,
Right to rectification according to Art. 16 GDPR,
Right to erasure (‘right to be forgotten’) according to Art. 17 GDPR,
Right to restriction of processing according to Art. 18 GDPR,
Right to data portability according to Art. 20 GDPR.

You have the right to object at any time, for reasons arising from your particular situation, to the processing of your personal data based on Article 6 para. 1 (f) GDPR. We will no longer process the personal data unless we can demonstrate compelling legitimate grounds for the processing, which override your interests, rights, and freedoms, or if the processing is necessary for the establishment, exercise, or defense of legal claims.

You also have the right to lodge a complaint with a data protection supervisory authority regarding the processing of your personal data by us. You can address the supervisory authority responsible for your place of residence or country, or the supervisory authority responsible for us. The supervisory authority responsible for us is:

The State Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information


Hintere Bleiche 34

55116 Mainz


If you have granted us consent to process your personal data, you can revoke this consent at any time with future effect. The legality of the processing of your data prior to the revocation remains unaffected.

If you wish to exercise your rights as a data subject or if you have other questions concerning these notices, please contact the data protection officer at:

IONOS SE Datenschutz
Elgendorfer Str. 57

56410 Montabaur

Or by email at:


Part E - Terms of use

I. General obligations of users

The user agrees to use the system lawfully and warrants not to disseminate any criminally relevant content or violate third-party rights in the course of usage. Specifically, the dissemination of content that is harmful to minors, pornographic, extremist, or racist is prohibited. Additionally, the user shall refrain from engaging in virus attacks and misusing the applications to interfere with the security measures of another network, host, or account.

The user is responsible for the issuance of the password, maintaining its confidentiality, and ensuring its proper use.

The user consents to the transmission of all notifications related to this user relationship via email, unless a different form is legally mandated.

II. Liability

The user undertakes to protect their access to the system against unauthorized use by third parties and to keep their password confidential. Furthermore, the user indemnifies IONOS SE from all damages resulting from unauthorized use of the system access or other damaging actions by the user or third parties, insofar as the user is at fault for this.

III. Violation of the terms of use

IONOS SE is authorized to remove unlawful content (e.g., content that violates legal or regulatory prohibitions or good morals) from the applications without prior notice to the user. Additionally, IONOS SE reserves the right to impose a temporary or indefinite ban on usage in such cases. The user will be promptly informed of such measures. This does not establish a claim for reimbursement by the user.

If IONOS SE becomes aware of any unauthorized actions by the user, or if IONOS SE is informed by third parties of a supposed unauthorized action, IONOS SE may, within the framework of legal regulations, potentially disclose personal data to law enforcement and regulatory authorities. 

                                                                                                                                            Date: August 2024